Sunday 11 November 2012


Rajpur is a small village about 2km from the Country House. Just beyond it is some glorious countryside. Look.

A pretty-in-pink house.

A gloriously tumbledown house.

A monkey too intent on snacking to care about me. These crazy monkeys eat anything.

A panorama of the beautiful and not-so-distant hills.

Is the countryside growing into BIG TAP or is the countryside pouring out of BIG TAP?

Oooh, I found a river.

And a contented, recumbent cow.

Proof that it was me taking this hike.

The river again. Oddly there was an English family frolicking in it. They arrived in a 4x4. Lightweights.

Thousands of butterflies. I managed to hypnotise this one into posing for me. Thank you Madam.

These decorations make everything look good.

A severely strangled tree.

As I walked through Rajpur first time I noticed CHAYA, a cafe that had free wifi and did proper coffee & pizza. That's my lunch sorted I thought, but at 1pm they were closed. I thought I may have to travel into town but no! Sunil hands me a Domino's menu and a pizza arrives. Blogging & Pizza. They go together like ham and sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. good collections simon good luck for your exams and I will see you again. we missed you today at dinner
    anyway it was good time and great fun. enjoyed your company
